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Load characteristics: the cornerstone of electric actuator accessories selection

Jul 25,2024

In the field of industrial automation and control, electric actuators are key components, and their performance and stability are directly related to the operating efficiency and reliability of the entire system. In the selection process of electric actuators, load characteristics are undoubtedly one of the most critical considerations. A deep understanding of load characteristics can not only help us accurately match core accessories such as motors, transmission systems and reduction devices, but also ensure that the actuator can perform at its best in actual applications.

Core elements of load characteristics
Load characteristics mainly cover three aspects: load size, type and range of variation. First, the load size directly determines the force or torque required to be output by the actuator. Too large or too small a load may lead to insufficient actuator performance or waste of resources. Secondly, the load type affects the dynamic response characteristics of the actuator. Inertial load and friction load are two common load types, which have different requirements for the start, acceleration, deceleration and stop processes of the actuator. Finally, the load range refers to the range of variation between the maximum and minimum values ​​that the load may experience during the working process, which poses a challenge to the adaptability and stability of the actuator.

The Art of Motor Selection
Based on the analysis of load characteristics, motor selection becomes the first step in selecting electric actuator accessories. For applications with large loads or high inertia, choosing a motor with higher power is an obvious solution. This is because high-power motors can provide stronger driving force to overcome the resistance caused by large loads or high inertia. However, it is worth noting that the power of the motor is not the greater the better. Excessive power will not only increase energy consumption and cost, but may also have an adverse effect on system stability. Therefore, when selecting a motor, it is necessary to comprehensively consider factors such as load characteristics, system efficiency and cost-effectiveness to achieve the best matching effect.

The Wisdom of Transmission Ratio Setting
As a bridge between the motor and the actuator, the transmission ratio is also deeply affected by the load characteristics. For applications that require high-precision positioning or fast response, a lower transmission ratio can reduce errors and delays in the transmission process and improve the response speed of the system. For applications with large loads or high inertia, a higher transmission ratio can more effectively transfer the power of the motor to the actuator by reducing speed and increasing torque, thereby meeting the driving requirements of the load. Therefore, when setting the transmission ratio, it is necessary to make fine adjustments according to the load characteristics and application requirements to achieve the best transmission effect.

Necessity and selection of reduction gears
Under certain extreme load conditions, the motor and transmission system alone may not be able to meet the driving requirements. At this time, an additional reduction gear becomes a necessary choice. The reduction gear can not only further reduce the speed and increase the torque, but also improve the dynamic performance of the actuator and improve the stability and reliability of the system. When selecting a reduction gear, factors such as load characteristics, transmission ratio and spatial layout should also be considered to ensure that the reduction gear can give full play to its performance advantages and work well with other accessories of the electric actuator.

As an important basis for selecting electric actuator accessories, the importance of load characteristics is self-evident. By deeply understanding the size, type and range of changes of the load, we can more accurately match core accessories such as motors, transmission systems and reduction gears, so as to ensure that the electric actuator can perform at its best in actual applications. At the same time, this also reminds us that when selecting electric actuators, we must always maintain a scientific and rigorous attitude and comprehensively consider multiple factors to achieve the best system design and performance.

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