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The role of nitrogen in diving safety: the importance of standard DNG cylinders

Aug 01,2024

In diving, an activity full of challenges and adventures, every dive is accompanied by strict considerations of life safety. Although divers do not breathe pure nitrogen (Dry Nitrogen Gas, DNG) in the deep sea, but mixed gases carefully prepared according to the diving depth and needs, such as air, Nitrox or Trimix, as one of the core components of these mixed gases, the storage and supply stability and safety of nitrogen in the cylinder are undoubtedly an indispensable part of diving safety.

The key role of nitrogen
Nitrogen accounts for about 78% of the earth's atmosphere and is a colorless, odorless, non-toxic inert gas. In the field of diving, nitrogen is widely used because of its characteristics that it is not easily absorbed by the human body. As the diving depth increases, in order to combat the increased breathing resistance and the risk of oxygen poisoning caused by the increase in water pressure, divers need to inhale a mixed gas with a lower oxygen concentration but sufficient to support life activities. At this time, nitrogen as one of the filling gases not only helps to adjust the overall composition of the mixed gas, but also ensures that divers can breathe safely during long and deep dives.

Strict requirements for standard DNG cylinders
Although standard DNG cylinders are not directly used for diving breathing, they are key containers for storing nitrogen and mixed gases. These cylinders follow extremely high safety standards in design, manufacturing, inspection and use. First, the cylinders are made of high-strength, corrosion-resistant materials to withstand the high-pressure environment during deep-sea diving. Secondly, the manufacturing process strictly abides by international safety regulations such as ISO, DOT, etc., to ensure that every link reaches the highest quality level. In addition, regular water pressure testing and appearance inspections are also essential. They help identify potential safety hazards and repair or replace them in time.

Storage and supply stability
In diving activities, a stable supply of nitrogen is one of the key factors to ensure the safety of divers. Standard DNG cylinders ensure no leakage and stable pressure of nitrogen during storage through their excellent sealing performance and precise valve design. At the same time, the perfect combination with equipment such as the decompressor enables nitrogen to be delivered to the diver's breathing device at a suitable flow rate and pressure to meet his breathing needs at different depths.

Comprehensive consideration of safety
In addition to the performance of the cylinder itself, divers need to pay attention to a series of safety issues when using nitrogen. First, divers should receive professional training to understand the effects of nitrogen on the human body and the principles of mixing mixed gases. Secondly, during the diving process, they should closely monitor their physical condition and gas consumption to avoid dangerous situations such as nitrogen oversaturation (i.e., decompression sickness). In addition, the diving team should also develop a detailed emergency plan and be equipped with necessary rescue equipment to deal with possible emergencies.

In the specific application scenario of diving, nitrogen is one of the main components of mixed gases. The storage and supply stability and safety of nitrogen in the cylinder are crucial to the safety of divers. As a storage container for nitrogen and mixed gases, the design, manufacture, inspection and use of standard-DNG cylinders follow strict safety standards and technical requirements. Through comprehensive safety considerations and professional operating specifications, we can ensure that divers enjoy the dual experience of safety and freedom in deep-sea exploration.

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